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Black Hat White Hat

If you've ever jumped in the world of Internet Marketing, you must have never heard the term 'black hat' and 'white hat'.

What's that?

'Black hat' Internet Marketing is a technique used to 'fool' search engines such as Google or Yahoo so that your website appears on page Main search.

Usually a lot of players using their black hat is made contentnya website (content) is hardly anything, but the website they will be filled with pages filled with Adsense ads or affiliate links them to offer a product that they marketed. I'm sure you'll never find it website2 like this?

Website2 like this does not give added value (value) to visitors. Website owners are just hoping they click the Adsense ads or affiliate buy their products marketed. And usually, too, like this website2 contrived with software that can make hundreds of websites in quick time.

Visitors who come to this website2 usually comes from search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc.. But black hat websites usually only lasted a short time (1 month - 4 months) in the search engines.

What does he mean to survive in the search engines? Survive in the search engines means your website including index.

Example: you go to and type 'site:' (without the quotes). Google will be to inform to you that the website there are about 490.000 pages listed in Google. Wow! Lots of it.

So for a website appear on Google search page (Google search results), the website they will be listed first (indexed) in Google as the example above

So if an unregistered website on Google, the website they will not appear on Google search pages.

Back again to the black hat. Website black hat will not last long on Google. As I said above, my experience they usually survive only 1 month - 4 months (there are also cases that last longer than that, but my experience says the 4-month). So after 4 months, tsb website will no longer appear on Google search pages (the site they will have at de-indexed).

Black hat players usually just rely on search engines to bring visitors to their websites black hat. This means that when their website at de-indexed, usually they will be out also the website (meaning no more visitors).

So the proverbial black hat players always play the cats of the same Google. Cast black hat like a mouse. And Google or other search engines such as Cat. Cats eat rats!

Now we discuss what is 'White Hat'?

Website 'White Hat' is a website that provides value to visitors. Example:,,, website2 is white hat. (Incidentally, I was Naruto fan, so I mentioned the site as an example tsb aja)

If you can see, is a site that provides the latest news that is updated almost every minute. Visitors to this site with the benefit of the latest berita2. is a search engine that provides benefits to orang2 who want to find something. is a site for people dealing with their teman2 old and the new teman2 they know through myspace. This site also provides benefits to those who like to hang out on the Internet. is a useful site for fans of Naruto.

Creating a site 'White Hat' will not be in de-index by Google. Means tsb website will always appear on Google search pages.

So now the question is, if I so choose to make the website a 'black hat' or 'white hat' so to get the money through the Internet?

The table below will describe the positive and its negative points each

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