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After the Mindset of Success, Then What?

Still continuing the previous post about the mindset of success, now I discuss things that are very related, ie how to be successful this mindset can bring results that you expect.

You could have any dream you want to accomplish in the future. But it was all a fantasy limited stops if you do not have a further step to make it a reality.

After a successful mindset ingrained in you, you certainly have a big dream. What you need to do now is to formulate how you can achieve that dream.


Some steps such as these:

Formulate a big ideals you into a smaller target. Suppose you have a target of earning hundreds of millions per month, starting from the smallest. Target is for you is likely to be achieved. Suppose Rp 1 million. Even in the Internet business rate USD 1 million virtually very small, but it does not matter if you start from the target. Because if achieved or exceeded, would be a good start for your Internet business the next.
I still remember about the year 2005, after three years of Internet business. in the early years, the income per day in my hundreds of thousands of numbers. Occasionally it exceeded the number 1 million.
Then I planned target of USD 1 million per day. In a small paper I wrote "Target Rp 1 million per day" and I put the computer near where I work. Thankfully, in the same year the target was achieved. Now, the number Rp 1 million are already developed many times over.
Set your priorities from the very beginning. As people climbed the stairs, they started to climb the stairs first, second staircase, and so on.
During the first 10 months of searching for effective methods to make money from the internet, the money I received was not much. Just enough to cover operational costs. Then, after knowing how to make money from internet my overwhelming focus do. From the first step, second, and third.
et your plan and try to achieve strength. You think this cliche? Absolutely not! Any business need ACTION. You have to ACTION's your plan to achieve the best results.
Highly motivated and always say to yourself that you will never stop before achieving success. Get close with successful people, I pray his success would rub off on you.

In this internet business through, maybe a few times you feel hopeless and about to give up. Stop for ACTION. However, I was absolutely convinced it was not a solution for you.

When trouble comes, it's when you tested how strong you survive to enjoy your success later. When despair comes to attack you, I have a few tips that can help you.

Each time you feel desperate and intend to stop ACTION, say out loud (not in the liver, but remove your voice) sentence:

Outside there may be a lot of people are desperate, but I do not. Mister desperate, go! You do not deserve to be in a true winner like me.

Throw mister despair from within yourself. Hard to say if you are not a suitable place for the nature of despair.

Think back to your ideals. Put your ideals one inch in front of your eyes. Look at him fiercely. You'll be embarrassed if I have to say "I surrender".
Make the changes you need. Just do not ever stop! ACTION You must continue in order to realize your dreams.

People with a mindset of success is not like most people. And be thankful because you are one of the classic bermindset success. People always have a successful bermindset different approach. Successful people have a sense of enthusiasm to live life and do it with a positive attitude.
Do not ever give up! Your life will not be forever like now. Always open the opportunity for people who want ACTION, positive minded, and accompanied by prayer.

If you do not have a mindset of success, may seem strange or hard to do the things that I will show to you in a minute. But for those of you who have a mindset of success, I believe it would be much easier. Even you own may have considered it a necessity.

Why is this important success mindset? Because the success mindset ACTION encourage you to do all the time in order to improve the quality of your life. It is not only related to welfare, but also how to maintain your health, enrich your love to the people around you, and aspects of other life that you consider important.

Now  two characteristics of people who have the following successful mindset. Make sure that both these features are embedded both within yourself.

First, to learn from those ACTION successful or successful.

This is probably the most important. People who have a mindset of success is always willing to learn from others who have proved successful. Of these successful people, you can copy ACTION anything he's done to make it successful as now.

With a sample or model of successful people, will be much easier for you to follow in his footsteps. You have a benchmark of how to ACTION, what to avoid, and what to do when facing certain situations. Without having experienced trial and error over and over again, you can get a lesson from the experience that has gone through.

Find an example or model of your success. Make the person as a successful model of your dreams. Learn what it ACTION. Learn with him. And rest assured even if you MUST be a similar success later.

Second, be a positive magnet that spread positive energy to your environment.

When you look at the positive in yourself, then you've invited the positive results come to you. On the other hand each time you look at yourself negatively, that is what you came to invite into your life. So, you want the results which one? Achieved positive or negative results?

If you choose to be a positive person, a positive magnetic spreading positive energy in your environment, I had a way so you will see yourself in a positive way.

Well ...

     * Describe yourself in that situation you aspire and imagine how it feels. Suppose, you have a dream to have a BMW car as he had felt by Mas Kurniawan thanks to the science of business formula. Just imagine when your dreams are achieved. Close your eyes, imagine how comfortable driving BMW's soft, not anywhere else in the rain and heat.
     * Surround yourself with people who are positive spirit. Being in a positive place to foster a positive sense to develop yourself.
     * Every morning, wake yourself who may still drowsy with positive words. For example like "I can do it!", "I am happy today", "This day was so beautiful", and the like.
     * Be open. Open to new opportunities, new business opportunities, will open the door of your wealth. Keep motivated and do not hesitate to make changes from what you usually do every day.
     * ACTION! Each time you are in a very positive situation like this, do not waste every second of it without doing anything. ACTION-
Want to learn and make yourself as a positive magnet, not only would change yourself for the better, but also the people around you will be motivated to follow you.

Instill the mindset characteristic of this success in your life. From now on, too. Try and feel how people will look different to you.

Internet World is always without limit. Many things that seem impossible, but in fact can occur.

Before the internet was born, many people who just want to "live" only (not rich) have to be really draining sweat to work. From morning until evening and sometimes at night, they must wrestle with his work. Itupun sometimes the results are worth it. Their time and energy spent to work just enough to eat perfunctory.

But now, so the internet was born, was not counted how many people are not only able to work because of this technology, but also can get rich quick without having to sweat. Not a bit of internet marketers who just lived clack-click the mouse and ran himself into uangpun pocket. Itupun conducted in air-conditioned room with a body that can freely move. Not have to always be under the table like the one office. Sometimes the internet marketer is doing her holiday at the beach, the waves that roll-roll as well as the money rolled into the roll bag.

Such was the blessing of the internet. That can make someone who almost fell in the abyss begging suddenly dashed at the height of success.

I mean talk-ngidul Ngalor had a chance of success on the Internet is always open wide. Stay menggelutinya you want to go or stay in a place like this forever.

The choice is entirely on you!

Okay. Now I will show you the way you can get rich through the blog. There are various sources of income that will continue to flow to meet your pocket.

    1. Ad. This is probably the most common people do. And not a little too Indonesian bloggers who have received millions of dollars per month. Advertising program most widely used such as Google Adsense, WidgetBucks, and Text Link Ads.
    2. Affiliate Program. Lots of affiliate programs you can follow. Such as Business Formula I manage that have helped thousands of people out of poverty. Or a foreign affiliate program that is good enough as Clickbank, Linkshare, Commission Junction, and Amazon.
    3. Direct ad. You also have the opportunity to increase the coffers of money through direct advertising. That is, companies or institutions interested Promotion through your blog, can be advertised directly without intermediaries. You can pick up the ball by offering it to them. But of course they would not advertise origin. Stay also seen whether the high trafficnya your blog, your blog visitors in accordance with the company's target market, and the image of your blog does not disturb the company's image.
    4. Blog network. Join the blog network can increase your income. Usually blogs you follow the network will also share the revenue earned from advertising.
    5. Selling Blog. You can create a blog with the purpose for resale. If your blog trafficnya high, usually much interested in buying. Abroad, this is already common. So you live for the blog, then sell at high prices. Then you live for a new blog to be developed again and sold again.
    6. Sell merchandise. If your blog already has many fans, you could be making more money by selling merchandise that read your blog. For example the shape of T-shirts, mugs, or calendar.
    7. Consultant Blog. You can become a consultant for people who intend to create a blog. You can install the tariff for each consultation. Abroad, this blog consulting profession is growing rapidly. And in our country, this profession has begun to pick up. By starting the growth of corporate blogs, you can target companies as potential clients you.
    8. Seminar. You can make the world a seminar on the blog. Or a specific theme such as the blog you have. This is one way to reap even more money into your pocket.
    9. Business Writing Blog. Because the content of blogs, especially writing, you can also make income opportunities. You can offer yourself to fill the blogs of others.
   10. Writing in the mass media. Not just write on your own blog or blogs other people, you can write in the conventional media such as newspapers or magazines. You can include the profession as a blogger. You can also make a book about the world of blogs, or other themes. In addition to the more rapid flow of money, your name will also be more flying.

Very much a source of income you can make a blog? The principle is never satisfied with the income that you have got so far. Continue to create new sources. With creativity, you can certainly develop new income sources of the unexpected. By extending the source of the flow of money, but would increase the flow of money, you also minimize the risk of business failure.

Anybody want to add source of income at the top?

Adsense Western Union

This news has been waiting for the Adsense publisher Indonesia: Adsense publisher was able to get paid much more quickly through Western Union. When taking the money only one day of the announcement delivery. For example, on Monday at Adsense account has already been announced that the payment adsense results we've delivered. So, on Tuesday we can to the Western Union office nearby, immediately took the money and bring all close friends or family to eat.
I am honestly happy to Hear that's Adsense use this way to pay.
I Love Google Adsense

Black Hat White Hat

If you've ever jumped in the world of Internet Marketing, you must have never heard the term 'black hat' and 'white hat'.

What's that?

'Black hat' Internet Marketing is a technique used to 'fool' search engines such as Google or Yahoo so that your website appears on page Main search.

Usually a lot of players using their black hat is made contentnya website (content) is hardly anything, but the website they will be filled with pages filled with Adsense ads or affiliate links them to offer a product that they marketed. I'm sure you'll never find it website2 like this?

Website2 like this does not give added value (value) to visitors. Website owners are just hoping they click the Adsense ads or affiliate buy their products marketed. And usually, too, like this website2 contrived with software that can make hundreds of websites in quick time.

Visitors who come to this website2 usually comes from search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc.. But black hat websites usually only lasted a short time (1 month - 4 months) in the search engines.

What does he mean to survive in the search engines? Survive in the search engines means your website including index.

Example: you go to and type 'site:' (without the quotes). Google will be to inform to you that the website there are about 490.000 pages listed in Google. Wow! Lots of it.

So for a website appear on Google search page (Google search results), the website they will be listed first (indexed) in Google as the example above

So if an unregistered website on Google, the website they will not appear on Google search pages.

Back again to the black hat. Website black hat will not last long on Google. As I said above, my experience they usually survive only 1 month - 4 months (there are also cases that last longer than that, but my experience says the 4-month). So after 4 months, tsb website will no longer appear on Google search pages (the site they will have at de-indexed).

Black hat players usually just rely on search engines to bring visitors to their websites black hat. This means that when their website at de-indexed, usually they will be out also the website (meaning no more visitors).

So the proverbial black hat players always play the cats of the same Google. Cast black hat like a mouse. And Google or other search engines such as Cat. Cats eat rats!

Now we discuss what is 'White Hat'?

Website 'White Hat' is a website that provides value to visitors. Example:,,, website2 is white hat. (Incidentally, I was Naruto fan, so I mentioned the site as an example tsb aja)

If you can see, is a site that provides the latest news that is updated almost every minute. Visitors to this site with the benefit of the latest berita2. is a search engine that provides benefits to orang2 who want to find something. is a site for people dealing with their teman2 old and the new teman2 they know through myspace. This site also provides benefits to those who like to hang out on the Internet. is a useful site for fans of Naruto.

Creating a site 'White Hat' will not be in de-index by Google. Means tsb website will always appear on Google search pages.

So now the question is, if I so choose to make the website a 'black hat' or 'white hat' so to get the money through the Internet?

The table below will describe the positive and its negative points each

GooDbYe FeedJit

With a heavy heart today gw remove the plugin from the sidebar Feedjit gw. Loh why? yes .. teman2 so coming into this blog loadingnya not wait long. Brief info about Feedjit .. With Feedjit, we can monitor who wrote the entry into our blog, they're opening trus what topics, how they came into our blog via search engines like google and yahoo or type directly in the browser. Many deh point.

Sempet still doubt also want to remove or not. After gw gw pikir2 finally remove the plugin in the sidebar Feedjit blog gw. This is for the sake of all people who access the blog gw. Kalo entered into a long blog gw aja, gimana orang2 going back again to the blog gw? Tul gak? Moreover, many of our teman2 Internet access with just under 100K speed. Worse they kalo pake dial up telkomnet. Slow pisan euy.

Many unek2 from gw .. makasih udah want dengerin ..
(loh gimana dengerinnya? emangnya no voice?)
mean .. thanks for the've wanted to read this topic ..
Yuk .. yukk comment ..

Google Adsense account banned Google PageRank Plus down

Apes .... The nickname was good for blogs that this bertitle Online Business, emang shit like falling down the stairs after it hit ketiban paint .. hehe ... .. Btw, last night idly check google pagerank of gak uh taunya Prchecker fell from the previous 3 to 0. The first did not believe fit is checked and then check again just to believe, indeed sich so kepikir pageranknya not just that so mind income from Text Link Ads (TLA) and the job of the paid review will certainly affect automatic. Google wealth really nich same sentimental blog site that reviews and sales play links.

Yet barely a month I do the practice, this just my estimate there may be other causes that led to pagerank drop / drop / down until kedasar-base. Gak tau sure exactly when google pagerank update this blog. Sadness mixed with grief, fear online business blog will be the same dijauhin dollars .. hehe

Not only is definitely not the same make that same night the google adsense did not want to lose by joining in an email sent notification that my google adsense account in the banned / disabled with a reason your account is dangerous and can harm the advertiser / Advertise it, without give concrete reasons. I am not Padalah various loch, well it's up to their sich make the rules, we are obedient aja mah.

Adsense Policy Issue

There's good news that I heard from a friend. It is said that Google Adsense are no longer using banned the accounts - accounts that violate Google Adsense TOS.

If an account is found in violation of a site, the URL that the site will be banned by Google Adsense. So the ads - ads from Google Adsense will no longer appear on the site.

This day I tried googling here and there to seek the truth of this story, including the official Google Adsense blog. With limited English language skills, I tried to find one at a time articles related to this new policy.

Until this article was made, I do not find any articles related to Google Not Banned Accounts again.

But there is a lot found the site - a site that does not appear adsense ads, or even if it appears only just Public Service Ads.

For this doubt, is why this article called hot gossip, hopefully there are friends or friends who find the official info about Google Accounts Banned Not anymore.

How to Boost Revenue Adsense Strategies

Have you ever thought to increase your adsense income? I'm sure you will NEVER answer

But you may not know how to do it right? Well here are the things you can do to boost your adsense income :

1. If you are classified as beginners, and your blog is devoted to adsense program, then make a simple blog design making it easier for you to paste your adsense code, either in vertical or horizontal position. If you are a webmaster belonging, certainly not be a problem even if your blog design is not simple, because you'll get over it.

2. To increase the click-throughs (clicks on the ads) then make your blog page is simple, not ribet for the design and navigation that is too 'complicated', and easily visible.

3. Use your blog page with white color. This way your ad will be easily visible (eye-catching).

4. Choose only one topic per one page. This will make it easier for Google to recognize your blg topic pages.

5. Avoid too many hyperlinks in your blog page.

6. If your keyword is included HPK (high-priced keyword), or keywords that a lot of demand / competition, then use those keywords in the file name, title of the post, the first and last paragraphs in the post, and others. In essence, use the technique of SEO (search engine optimization).

7. If you change these keywords, then Google will replace the ad also will appear on your blog page.

8. Sometimes Google displays ads that are 'wrong' or not in accordance with the topic of your blog. Chances are you're not optimizing the use of your keywords so that makes Google so wrong response. So optimize your keyword usage to avoid incidents like this. :-)

9. If possible, use skyscraper ad format. This ad will attract more visitors than the horizontal banner ads used.

These are some things you can do to increase your adsense income. Do it now, so you immediately reap the results. :-)

Easy Register Adsense

For those of you who have built a blog on blogger and want to go to Google AdSense, there was good news for you. Why? Because the parent bloggers are Google, so this blog supports the use of AdSense. Sign up for Google AdSense through your task easier bloggers.

Currently enrolled in Google AdSense is not as easy as before (he said), so experts recommend Google AdSense, we use the blogspot blog as a teaser. By using (blogspot) response from the Google can more quickly, just in time 2 - 3 days. Indeed there is no guarantee how quickly the Google response, but many have proved that we sign up through bloggers respond much more quickly. So for you who want to have income from Google AdSense, start by making English-language blog on blogger, fill it with a minimum of 7 to 10 articles with unique content.

The following easy steps to register for Google AdSense through Blogger:
1. Prepare blog for signing up for Google AdSense is well. Better make it a bit longer but once the list of immediate success. Start the English-language blogs, content with a unique article content (do not copy and paste the origin). For those who feel less English skills (like me ya), still try hard. Siasati example with Private Label Articles (PLA), combine with article from geoarticles example. Join 3-5 similar articles, change the style of language. Combine that becomes unique content.

Can also retrieve articles from the Indonesian-language blog is Google Translate it, change it to English. But the article's translation remains to be edited again because his language is often a bit strange.

There is also a blogger who took the article from the English language, have turned into French, for example, changed again into German, then back into English again. The result will be a different article with the original article, but it also needs to be edited again to the language style is more readable and easily understood.

2. Before you register your blog to Google AdSense, make sure there are no broken links and easy navigation.

3. Add another affiliate to your blog. Google AdSense does not like sites that seemed made just for AdSense.

4. Change the language settings to English (United States). Way after signing in at the blogger, go to settings, click the link format, select the item language English (United States). Click save settings.

5. Add Adsense elements. The way is still the blogger clicks dashboard / control panel. Click on the blog layout that we want to sign up for AdSense. On page element, click on add gadgets.

6. Will open a new window. Search for gadgets AdSense (AdSense gadget is only appearing on blogs that are set in English). Click the button to add to the blog.

7. Fill your identity: your email address, language blog (choose English), language email.

8. Click the Create button to the account registration process Google AdSense account.

9. Will appear the page has been sent an email notification that must be opened and acted upon. Click the Continue button.

10. AdSense Setup. Select the format of the ad display. Select size and color combination you want. Show results configuration. Click the save button.

11. On the blog page elements that we have seen listed AdSense gadget. If you want to change the arrangement / layout of the AdSense gadget, click the AdSense box, stand, move to where you want to go (click and drag). Release the mouse.

12. Click the save button. See blog. Seen no ads, but still temporary advertising. Wait for the approval of your participation in Google AdSense. Do not forget to open your email to verify.

Part verification email will be continued in next article.

Google Adsense Is The Best

I love GoOGle Adsense

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